Dr. Jules Zannou

Dr. Jules Zannou is from Benin. He is married with four children. He is a Researcher at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He is a founding member of the Catholic Movement of Executives and Political Personalities of Benin (MCCPP)

He has a doctorate in Public Law (University of Parakou) and a DESS (Specialized Higher Studies Diploma) in Governance and Democracy and a DESS Project Management and Local Development (University of Abomey-Calavi) and a diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) Human Rights and Democracy (UNESCO Chair of the University of Abomey-Calavi).

From February 2019 to June 2021: Country Director of ‘Fondation Graines de Paix’ (www.grainesdepaixorg). Since 2014 teacher of planning and project management (Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FAST / UAC) and in Master 1 Community Health of the Faculty of Health Sciences. From November 2009, Honorary President, Founder of the Center for Japanese Culture (CCJ) in Benin. From 1998 to April 2015: National representative in Benin of the French Cultural Association Mémoires d’Afrique (collection of more than 1,500 tales and legends and initiator of “the Night of Tales” and of the National Day of Intangible Cultural Heritage) (www.memoiresdafrique.org).